Large entrepreneurial families in Chile. Their characteristics and contribution to the country (1830-2012), in Paloma Fernández Pérez and Andrea Lluch (Editors), Evolution of Family Business: Continuity and Change in Latin America and Spain. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, Northampton, MA, USA, 2016. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
Grandes familias empresarias en Chile. Sus características y aportes al país (1830-2012), in Paloma Fernández Pérez and Andrea Lluch (Editors), Familias Empresarias y Grandes Empresas Familiares en América Latina y España: Una visión de largo plazo. Fundación BBVA, Bilbao, Spain, 2015. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
Introducción al Protocolo Familiar y al Consejo de Familia, y El Papel del Protocolo Familiar: Mi Experiencia en Latinoamérica, in Joan M. Amat and Juan F. Corona (Editors), El Protocolo Familiar: La Experiencia de una Década, Ediciones Deusto, Barcelona, 2007. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
Multilatinas: Emerging Multinationals from Latin America, in Africa Ariño, Pankaj Ghemawat, and Joan E. Ricart (Editors), Creating Value through International Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York , 2004. With José Paulo Esperança and José de la Torre. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
The Evolving Multinational: Strategy and Structure in Latin American Operations, 1990-2000, in Julian Birkinshaw et al. (Editors), The Future of the Multinational Company, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, 2003. With José de la Torre and José Paulo Esperança. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
The International Expansion of Spanish Firms: Towards an Integrative Framework for International Strategy, in Lars-Gunnar Mattsson and Bengt Stymne (Editors), Corporate and Industry Strategies for Europe, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1991. With J. Carlos Jarillo. Posted on 10/01/202313/01/2023 by Jon Martínez