Franchising en Chile: estudio exploratorio, Academia (Publication of CLADEA, the Latin American Council of Business Schools), Número 7, 39-58, Primer Semestre, 1991. Received the Award for the best article of that issue. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
Evidencia Empírica de la Superioridad de los Sistemas Cooperativos., Economía Industrial (Publication of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Spain), March-April 1989, n° 266, 99-104. With J. Carlos Jarillo. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez
La Respuesta de las Multinacionales ante el Reto de 1992, Información Comercial Española (Publication of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Spain), October 1988, n° 662, 71-82. With J. Carlos Jarillo. Posted on 10/01/2023 by Jon Martínez